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Yi - Suye

For some Yi-suye is the Apex of religious worship, for others it is the height of trade, but for all, it represents the penultimate freedom. The Merchant Alligance of Yi-Suye is well respected in any given territory. Although some mundane items are sold, their real export is relics, cultural artifacts, and archetecture. Some of the rarest in the world, if their merchants are to be believed.

The Yi-Suyian habit of uncovering lost artifacts has lead to the splintering of many religions in it's wake. And so, a decision was made to allow and promote this religious freedom. Many of the beliefs practiced here would be considered dangerous or even heretical anywhere else, but in Yi-Suye, these beliefs coexist in harmony. This laissez faire atitude extends to their other views, and as such Yi-Suye has become a haven for ex-criminals and others fleeing persecution.

Although Yi-suye may not boast strong magical or technological routes, It is the home to many scholars and artists. The persuit to make devotional art has resulted in advances in the mathmatics and sciences.


Climate: Temperate desert, Cool, dry Springs, Warm summers.

Biome: Deserts and Dry shrubs. Some Badlands mountains and Butte formations.

Government: A collection of city states held together by trade negotiations

Technology: Hi Religion, Mid magic, Low tech.

Primary Culture: Loxodon, with some gnomish influence

Cultural Values


Yi-Suyians are amongst some of the most religious people in gavara, second only to the elves of loria. Each city is itself errected in the honor of at least one god, and temples are just as populous as ins or taverns.

Cults are also quite popular in Yi-suye, which has a policy of religious tollerance. This has resulted in quite an eclectic range of faiths in Yi-suye; a cultist of Grumsh may break bread with a missionary of Melora, if they like.

Commerce as King

Some of Yi-Suye's critics have argued that the country's true religion is commerce. a Yi-Suyian would argue against that, but nevertheless it is true. Wealth is the most consistent capital there is in Yi-Suye, and this wealth is often displayed in the shape of temples an monuments. This creates intense pressure in the population to produce money, with very little care as to how those funds are aquired.

Most take the merchant route, selling valuble finds and rare luxuries for exorbidant gold. Others take to the shadows, stealing what they can, falsifying what they cannot, and selling it all.

Wealth Inequality

The biggest demon looming within Yi-Suye is poverty. The Wealthy of Yi-suye controll the lives of those below, from the leapers in Phi-sur to the beggars in Chosi. For the rich, Yi-suye is a paradise. A playground with little rules and even fewer limits. The poor however are left with an ultimatum. Servitiude, faith, or crime.


Cultural Notes

Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page


Loxodon are the primary cultural power in Yi-Suye. With a rich archetectural history, their country sings with towering temples of stained glass and colored tiles. No matter what city state you enter, regardless of what god they worship, you will find the hoof prints of Loxodon archetecture and culture there.


There is some natural drift from the gnomes of Taragai into Yi-suye. Most exist within the country as traders, or as craftsman. They respect the Yi-Suyean's negative attitude towards tech, and often stick to crafting small trinkets and carving simple toys.


With the Dengal border to the north, Yi-suyeans have a heavy dislike for goblinoids. The Dengalian "speak softly but carry a big stick" approach is not welcome and met with harsh retaliation. In Yi-Suye, goblins are vewed as liars, tricksters, and brutes.


The Adventurer's guild is well funded in Yi-suye. Housed within the temple of Ehlonna at Chopradi, guild members are hired out as treasure hunters, offered gold in exchange for bringing back the strange and unusual. They may also be hired as guards for merchants and traveling caravans.

On an unofficial note, many also work behind the scenes in the burgeoning cult warfare that pops up from time to time. Nothing like a mercenary to end a rival cult swiftly and absolutely.

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