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Read the original sources for more lore! But, if something we've written on the bnb site contradicts a sourcebook, it is because we have intentionally rewritten it.

  • The D&D races in bnb lore are more integrated than the sourcebooks imply, and interspecies relations are more pleasant.

  • You can discount any lore you read in the sourcebooks about rape, abuse, and the slave trade. Unanimously negative interpretations of entire species were an unfortunate fact of the older editions of D&D, and Wizards of the Coast is only just starting to rework them. While we appreciate serious tones in BNB, we don’t condone sweeping negative interpretations.

  • Some races have been entirely rewritten to better fit into the group setting (such as Changelings, Warforged Simic Hybrids, Aetherborn, Sirens, and others)​.


One of three major dndecisions you will have to make: choosing your race (and subrace, if applicable).

The races listed in this section have been deemed a good fit for bnb. We have written them into the world lore and have checked their balance against the other races.

If you don't see a canon race here, it's because we deemed it a poor fit for our setting! A UA race may be absent because it was deemed a poor fit or because it has not yet been reviewed. We update races as they are reviewed and approved.


World Walker


The most populous races on the continent. universally accepted with few exceptions.




Anthropomorphic species that inhabit the continent. not as common as World Walkers but nearly as accepted.

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Arcane Born

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Artificial lifeforms created my magic or magitech

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Once powerful and feared, faries now live in the shadows, feared by most. 




Races native to Gavara and the material plane but localized to certain places. Considered highly unusual out of those places

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Planar Influences

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Creatures from, or touched by planes outside of the material. Extremely uncommon and rare.




The monsters parents tell their children about. Feared and hated by Gavara, and for good reason.

The races of bnb are classified into Seven categories. These groups are based on how they are perceived by general Gavaran society. There are nuances within each race, but these represent the larger social trends.

While there is wiggle room within these descriptions, we ask you don’t make any major changes to the lore. The reason for this is that doing so can disrupt the canon lore of the other PCs, which can create plot holes and minimize the weight of their stories. We've done our best to create locations with a wide range of opinion on all types of races, so rather than change the preexisting lore, we ask that you base your character in a location with an opinion of that species that appeals to you.


World Walker


The most populous races on the continent. universally accepted with few exceptions.

World Walkers. The most common races in Gavara, these (sub) species are very populous, with homes in many different countries on the map. They are welcome most places, with some few exceptions. 




Anthropomorphic species that inhabit the continent. not as common as World Walkers but nearly as accepted.

Beastfolk. These are races that are anthropomorphized creatures; they are NOT half-human, half-beast (imagine a human girl with cat ears and a tail - that is specifically not what these are). Despite their unusual appearance, beasfolk are welcome most places. Often their cultural practices differ from what more humanoid species may consider the norm, but this has never stopped them from mingling with others.

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Arcane Born

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Artificial lifeforms created my magic or magitech

Arcane Born. Members of this category are not natural, rather, through mechanics or magic, they have came to be. Some lived lives before their transformation, for others, this is the only life they have ever known. Public opinion of these species vary greatly, from being viewed as tools to being feared for the dark magics within them.

Arcane born
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CHangelings resized_edited_edited.png

Once powerful and feared, faries now live in the shadows, feared by most. 

Fearie. An ancient race from another world, the history of the fey is inextricably tied to that of the mortals of the material plane. At one time rulers of Gaavara, the fey have since retreated back into the shadows. Now, fey are feared in most places, with a long history of stealing mortals and playing cruel tricks on those unfortunate enough to cross their path. Not all conform to this hegemony, however, and many the fey has fled to the material plane in hopes of a more peaceful existence.




Races native to Gavara and the material plane but localized to certain places. Considered highly unusual out of those places

Outlander. Outlanders belong to a group that, while visually or conceptually might fit into another, the members of this grouping do not align with the standing of those groups. It's easy to mistake them for members of other races (e.g., aasimar may be mistaken for the race of their parents). These races are not hidden but neither do they make themselves a spectacle. Often (but not always) they are usual for their homes and being in Lumivaara is the result of a journey.

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Planar Influences

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Creatures from, or touched by planes outside of the material. Extremely uncommon and rare.

Planar Influences. Gavara touches many planes besides the feywild. The Elemental planes, the shadowfell, and the astral sea all have rifts into this world. Some, like the starport in Honbira, are intentional and regulated, others are not. 

This category is meant for two types of characters, creatures from another plane, and those touched by it's magic. 




The monsters parents tell their children about. Feared and hated by Gavara, and for good reason.

Predators. There is no mistaking the threat these species pose on the people of Gavara. These species either predate on mortals, or cause direct and immediate harm for them. They are the monsters parents tell stories about to caution precocious children. 

An adventurer of this group is born into a truly evil society. It is up to you to decide if they embrace their nature, or reject it. Adventurers here can choose to not hide their nature, but must understand that the response will be one of fear and derision. 

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