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Player Involvment

Ripple Run-Down

Spheres of influence


Changes to the world happen in World events: world wars, natural disasters, ect


Changes to a single country, a shift in government, death of a leader, waging war, ect.


A shift in a city's status quo,
political and social change, ect


PCs and NPCs, Small towns, backstory interactions


Leveling up, alignment shifts, self-image, magic items, class. 

We can all agree that the repercussions of an event that effects a single person holds a different weight from an event that effects a country.  Although they may hold the same story weight, the Country-wide event will effect many lives, including those outside of  whatever adventuring party may have meddled. 

The "Ripple" system we are implementing uses this concept to determine the magnitude of the effects of a quest. 

Above are the "Spheres of Influence" a quest might have. In a standard quests should only be able to influence the world at a "Self" level or an "Interpersonal" level. For members of the DM's guild rank 2 and above will be able to submit a proposed change to the setting at the "City" or "Country" level after the completion of a quest line. The idea being that the quests and missions players go on have ripples, consequences that change the setting. 

Ex:  A questline is run about the party stopping evil Nobleman X  who was doing bad things in city Y on the map. After the party completes the questline and kills Nobleman X, the DM can then submit a change to the setting to the mod team: now that Nobleman X is dead, City Y's government becomes destabilized and a peasant revolt occurs.

From there, the mods will deliberate and decide if  a) the ripple makes sense based on the questline, and b) If the ripple is something that fits well into the setting. If accepted, it gets added to the map, if not, the questline remains cannon, but the ripple doesn't occur. 


  • Ripples should only be submitted AFTER the questline. They are not guaranteed and questlines should not be railroaded enough that a DM could know the outcome afterwards.

  • If the mods review the change and find it is a poor fit, the ripple simply does not occur. The rest of the Questline is still cannon, but it only influences the group on a self and interpersonal level.

  • The submission should include:

    • ​​a written summary of the questline (including who was on it, where the questline took place, and what happened)

    • what the ripple is (limit 200 words)

      • keep in mind that what you write is what is cannon. there is no cannon to the ripple outside of what is submitted. ​

    • the DM's rationale for why this ripple should occur. 

    • (if necessary) written proof of consent from characters that may be affected by the ripple Ex: if your questline kills someone's dad, that person should give consent for that ripple to become cannon

      • a discord screenshot will suffice​

Crafting a Ripple 

  • While there isn't a consistent criteria for what will constitute an allowance vs not, here are some guidelines​

    • The Ripple makes sense based off of the outcome of a questline, there must be a clear reason why the actions the party took resulted in this​.

    • The outcome doesn't disrupt someone's location without their permission. If City X doesn't belong to the DM and the DM wants to change it, there needs to be written consent from the person who made the location

    • The Ripple isn't lore or group breaking. Killing a dragon can't summon Johnny Silverhand from the Cyberpunk universe

    • The Ripple is simply too big. Fighting a big bad at level 10 can't erase half the continent. 

  • There are different levels of ripples, and some are not allowed by members. World ripples can only be made by mods, and country wide ripples will very RARELY be permitted to members. 

  • If  you've given your written permission for a ripple to occur, you cannot retract that permission once the ripple has been accepted. 

    • ripples that only concern lore you have written still need to be reviewed by the mods. ​


Ripples won't go into effect instantaneously. To give other members ample time to adjust, ripples will go into effect at the end of the month after they've been approved, with the minimum buffer being 25 days.


So, if your ripple got approved on febuary 27th, it would go into effect on April 1st. If it got approved on March 2nd, it would also go into effect on April 1st. 


We will make an announcement in the World Updates chat, and if necessary, the map will also include an addendum with the information.

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