You can earn money to fill your character’s coin purse through art, written short stories, and completed roleplays. All earnings can be calculated through the member registry here. In order to count for gold, your works must be submitted to the BNB deviantART gallery or to one of the art channels on discord.
Art Submissions
Earnings are according to the above table. Members are to calculate their own gold earnings. Please include the actual maths/breakdown of the earnings in the submission form. Eg. Sketch (10 gp) + Color (10gp) + 1 additional character (5gp) = 25 gp
• You MAY submit old application art for gold (i.e., if you have updated your character's app, the art you are no longer using can be submitted). You may NOT submit your current application art for gold.
• Gold for collaborative artwork can be split among collaborators however the artists choose.
Writing & Roleplays
• Stories and roleplays must be in a completed state to be submitted (a chapter, a short story or a single scene etc.).
• Minimum of 150 words to qualify for submission.
• Include the word count/earning calculation when you submit to the google form.
• Feel free to use this RP template, made by the lovely ErraticRhapsody
Voice Roleplay
• Voice RP must be submitted to youtube in order to count (though you can set the audio to 'private')
• A timestamped transcript must be submitted with the VRP. The mods use this to verify the audio log and ensure GP calculations are accurate.
• Include the RP length count/earning calculation when you submit to the google form.