Character Creation

80-20 RULE
In the case of mixed heritage parents, design flexibility, or class features: 80% of the design should be IDENTIFIABLY the base your character’s stats are drawn from.
20% accounts for other design features (provided they are okayed by the moderator overseeing your application.)
The 80-20 Rule are in place to ensure characters are not stepping on each other's toes in core concept or in terms of design.

Where can I go to get help with character creation?
For commonly asked character creation questions:
Character Creation FAQ
For specific questions, to narrow down ideas, for help with mapping D&D mechanics to a character:
#oc-creation-help channel of the bnb discord server
#ask-the-mods channel of the bnb discord server
For understanding D&D Mechanics:
DNDBeyond website
Limited Races
Certain races are limited (a) because they are intentionally rare in the setting or (b) because we have sufficient representation of them in the group.
You can still apply with a character of a limited race, but the application review will be more critical. The mods will pay special attention to why the character needs to be a member of that race, the level of uniqueness compared to characters already group, etc.
Limited races for the bnb 7th opening are:
- we are not limiting any races at this time
Step 1: Make a Reservation
A reservation is mandatory to apply to bnb. A reservation consists of a (1) Race and subrace if applicable (2) a class, and (3) a subclass.

Can I choose a race, subrace, class, or subclass that isn't on the bnb website?
If it isn't on the website, it is not useable in bnb. We periodically review WOTC content and UA (unearthed arcana; unofficial content). Character options that are judged a good fit for bnb are added to the website.
Step 2: Contextualize Your Character
Choose a Class
Your class is the primary determinant of the proficiencies, skills, and abilities you gain as you level up. For example, clerics gain abilities related to their holy domain, and monks master unarmed combat and ki.
If you think all the classes sound super cool, go with something you don't already see in the group!
Choose a Subclass
D&D Background Mechanic
D&D has ‘backgrounds’ that provide game bonuses, such as extra equipment, languages, or skill proficiencies, as well as story information.
Click here for backgrounds available in the basic D&D rules.
If you need help finding information on other backgrounds, visit the bnb discord server for help.
Your chosen background mechanic should inform your character's history, but your character's history is likely to be more complex than a background mechanic.
If while you are writing your character, you think that there is an alternative tool/language they might know because of their backstory, you can ask to make a swap after you are admitted to the group.

Chicken or Egg? You can pick a background mechanic before writing your character's backstory OR you can write your character's story and pick a mechanic that fits.
Situating Yourself in the World
BnB is a multi-planar setting. At this time we don't require your character to be from or currently in a specific location in order to be active.
Each location is unique, and this includes both the local threats as well as the cultural practices and their opinions on certain classes and locations. You are free to play a character in any location, but where they're from and where they're going will flavor how they interact with a given place, and how it interacts with them.
The bnb world map is marked with major locations. The map has multiple layers, displaying landmarks and planar disruptions, as well as country boundaries and major cities. For further information on certain locations like well as cultural practices and adventuring opportunities, please check the World locations tab.
Please refrain from inventing new major locations, such as new countries, places "off the edge of the map", or large metropolises. You can invent your own minor locations, landmarks, cities, or villages but we ask that you refrain from doing so until after you have referred to the map.