General Rules
º bnb is a PG-16 group, but we strongly recommend applicants be 18+. Although mature themes are not the point of the group, bnb does involve mature themes.
NSFW/18+ posts are strictly limited to the NSFW channel and posting outside of it will result in a warning. You will only see the NSFW chat if you've stated you want to see the NSFW content AND you are 18+.
º The group runs on Eastern Time. If a timezone is not specified for a deadline, always assume it is in Eastern Time. The group observes daylight savings from March - November. During that period, the group's timezone is EDT (or GMT-4). Other times of the year, the Eastern Timezone is EST (or GMT-5).
Lady nips are only NSFW if sexualized eg. topless pinups belong in the NSFW channel.
º You can link to streams, commissions, or other advertisements in the #multimemedia channel as long you aren't spamming.
There is a zero-tolerance policy toward hate speech.
Anyone found lying about their age to get into the NSFW will be immediately banned from the group.
Shadowblocking (i.e., blocking without informing that member or the mods) is A Serious offense. No one will force you to interact with people you don't want to. However, shadowblocking causes limitless issues in groups:
Shadowblocking damages the group's ability to function. If five people in a channel conduct a conversation, but one doesn't realize they're invisible to another, it dissolves the entire channel into confusion.
Shadowblocking removes the moderators' ability to moderate. If someone did something so bad that it’s blockable, the moderator team should be aware of what that is. We want to protect you and other members from bad behavior, and we can't do that if we don't know anything occurred. If you want to block someone but don't feel comfortable talking to them, that's completely fine! That's why the group has mods. So please, let us do our job and inform a moderator first.
Blocking another member should be a last resort, not a first resort. The mod team understands (probably better than most) that not all interpersonal tensions can be resolved, but blocking, while easy to do, is damaging to the group and should only be implemented after attempting other forms of conflict resolution.
Code of Conduct
Always assume the best of your fellow group members. Conflict is an unavoidable fact of groups, especially with groups of 30-40. Please remember that people rarely intend to upset others. In an online platform where people cannot physically see each other’s emotional state or detect vocal tone, it is easy to misinterpret someone’s words or actions. Moderators are always here to work through interpersonal conflicts with you, regardless of whether they are rules-related or personality-related. In return, we ask that members give their peers the benefit of the doubt.
Communicate. When conflict arises, speak up. Do yourself and everyone else a favor by giving people the chance to apologize and adjust their behavior and giving mods the chance to moderate. The best way to keep problematic behavior from escalating is to clearly and promptly communicate your feelings while avoiding being rude or mean yourself. Passive aggression (or straight-up aggression) leads to resentment and does not solve problems. It breaks our hearts to hear "So-and-so has been doing something for months!" - we would have loved to prevent unnecessary distress by helping earlier!
When in-character, it is better to over-communicate with your RP partners during charged or emotional RP than to under-communicate. Many people find endless conflict, trauma, and IC arguments to be draining instead of fun, and that is a completely legitimate playstyle.
Treat everyone with respect. No topics are forbidden: you can mention the pandemic or talk politics. If someone feels uncomfortable with something you are talking about and asks you to stop, please respect that wish and don't continue the topic. Likewise, If you're uncomfortable, be sure to state that clearly! Do not assume everyone implicitly knows or shares your beliefs or comfort levels. We would like all to feel included and cared for, but we can only do that with good communication (refer to Rule #1 & #2, and #4).
Be mindful when venting. It’s natural to seek comfort from your social group, but please avoid cultivating an overly pessimistic environment (both IC and OOC). Research suggests that negative mental states are contagious among certain groups. If you're not sure whether what you have to say is too negative, err on the side of caution.
Treat IC and OOC as separate. Just because someone dislikes your character/disagrees with your character, does not mean they dislike/disagree with you.
Don't godmod or metagame. Just don't. Being right all the time/never wrong/never losing, too powerful, invulnerable, etc. is not fun for anyone except you. Remember that D&D and roleplay are cooperative experiences and not just about you.
Refrain from discussing characters/plots from other groups unless specifically invited to. We know you're not trying to make people feel bad (see rule #1), but discussion like this excludes people and makes them feel left out.
Do not ask mods mod-related questions in VC unless a mod initiated the VC for the specific purpose of conducting mod business (e.g., character creation office hours, dicecloud help, etc.). Individual mods don't have unilateral authority to make rules decisions; these are all decided by committee. Anything said by a single individual mod with no written record or the question, the reasoning, or the response cannot be taken as an official ruling.
Don't gossip. It’s fine to say "I've had my art traced before" or "I've had a bad experience in a Group before." You cannot say "User Bob traced my art" or "I had a bad experience in Blahblah group." Also, don't share enough detail that someone may be able to identify an individual, don't drop clickbait information to entice people into DMing you for further gossip, etc.
What is bullying?
When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that is rude.
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s mean.
When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them that you’re upset, that’s bullying.
If some one is doing any of these things, communicate with them or with a mod.
º You can use commissioned or requested art of your character on your application, so long as you have the artist's permission and give appropriate credit!
º Commissions, requests, etc. of your character are allowed for submission in the gallery as long as they have the appropriate permission and credits. However, you cannot earn gold for other people's art even with the artist's permission.
º Keep profanity out of your dA comments/titles in the gallery for any innocents that are passing through.
º Artwork created using bases or by tracing are not allowed.
º Visual and literary arts are equally appreciated!
º NSFW/mature content can be uploaded to the deviantart gallery as long as it has the appropriate filters/tags and adheres to dA's terms of service. NSFW RPs and art can be shared privately at your own discretion.
Roleplay Rules
º Any mature RPs, such as sexual content, should be done in private rather than public channels. General romance is ok though!
º If someone you are RPing feels uncomfortable RPing a particular theme or situation, refrain from continuing with the RP. Try to think of something for you both to enjoy!
º Try to keep OOC talk out of RP channels. If you really need to say something, enclose it in brackets (( )), [[ ]], or {{ }}
º PvP (player vs player combat) is only allowed with the permission of both parties.
º Permanent character deaths will not occur without explicit permission. If a character dies during combat or event there will be a means of resurrection available.
Quest Rules
º To sign up for a quest, react to the quest board posting with a green check and the number pertaining to your character (either 1, 2, 3)
º If you are chosen for a quest, but something happens and you need to drop, please let the DM running the quest know so that they can either find a replacement player, or reschedule the quest.
º Make sure you read our DND Etiquette Guide!
º If your character levels up, please wait for a DM to tag you for your Dicecloud Review. Once you get pinged for this review, you have two weeks to get it sent in. After that deadline, we will begin deducting character exp.
º If you are pinged for a DC Review, you cannot quest with that character until their level up has been approved.
º Please keep in mind that you cannot always get chosen for the same quest as your friends. The sandbox nature of this group means that you will have the opportunity to make new friends.
House Rules: D&D mechanics
What are "house rules"?
House rules are unofficial modifications to official game rules adopted by groups of players. House rules in bnb are implemented and enforced at the group level by the moderator team, but dms of individual games may have additional rules at their own tables. Below are the group-level house rules. You can also view the house rules directly in google drive by clicking here.