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Teressio a landlocked country, most of its revenue comes from taxing the various land and river based trade routes that criss cross the country, as well as mining into the Tithalan mountain range for rare metals such as silver and mithril. Most of the country is upopulated, as the dangerous and fey-ridden Mysti forest looms vast and wide; Locals know better than to try to overstep their bounds there.

It's capital city, Lumivaara, came into prominence durring the last great war. A towering city on the edge of a cliff, it overlooks the mysterious Labyrinth below: a rementant of an ancient civilization. The renowned Crystal college is the centerpoint of the city, and people came as it's power grew. Their invention of Ready-made soldiers in the warforged and advanced lifeforms in the simic hybrids were a valued comodity in the war, and their services were bought on all sides. Now that the second surge has come, war has struck again. Following the offensive from the Lorian government, Teressio has extended it's territory into the disputed range, in an effort to create a buffer between them and Loria, and to maintain control over the land there.


Climate: Temperate, Wet summers

Biome: Forests and Mountains, however the rift has caused some temporal issues, leading to unseasonable weather at times

Government: Maritocric Oligarcy, of which a council makes decisions.

Technology: Mid magic, Mid Tech, Low Religon

Primary Culture: Human

Cultural Values

Improvse. Overcome. Adapt.

Teressio as a country has very little by way of export outside of it's precious metals. To survive in the timulutous landscape it finds itself in, Teressio has taken innovation as it's primary export. Their developments in the arcane have brought them into the global stage, and now as war is on their doorstep, they find themselves lucky to have the guardian project.

Shifting Loyalties

At the end of the day, when the chips are down, holding onto strict morality means very little to a Terressian. The intense shifts in government and political alligence of the country have made the Teressian people very willing to adapt to desires of those who wish them well, and many find Teressian people to be very amicable.


Much of the population of Lumivaara, Teressio's capital city, are Intelectuals. The country may not have much to offer, but it has no shortage of arcane phenomena. The Thithala and Strozzeck mountian ranges that flank it are filled with paths to the underdark, gates to the planes of fire, and portals to the feywild. Ruins like the labyrinth dot the lanscape. Many think the Teressian people foolish, but they look at the vastness of the world around them and see mysteries to be solved


Cultural Notes

Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page

Goblins, Orcs, Kobolds

These groups have a long history raiding an invading the nearby area. Opinions vary from city to city, with most major cities seeing them as Monstrous. Goblins will be removed from citieson sight, but Orcs are treated with a bregrudging fear and respect. Susupicion is placed on them before others, and in some cases these groups will be killed on the spot.


Although elves and half-elves are very populpulous in terressio, public opinion has turned against them in the war. They are given the side eye, but not barred from entry from civilization.


The Fey are the bigest threat in Teressio. If discovered, they are killed on sight. The fey here have been stealing mortals for generations. Their predation on Teressio is longstanding and cruel. The Surge is seen as the next chapter in a long book of missdeeds.

Warforged, Aetherborn, Simic hybrid

These three make up the "collegeborn" population of lumivaara. Very few have been made and as such they number in the hundreds, not the thousands. Opinions are mixed, but in the case of Warforged and Aetherborn, they are seen as tools.


The Adventurer's Guild has a steady presence in Teressio, increasing steadily in the advent of the war. However, The real creator of heroes is Lumivaara city's Crystal college, which churns out wizards and bards regularly. Teressio has always been a place with much magic and mystery from the Mysti forest to the Labyrinth. Many who are strange and unusual flock to this place, some to understand more about the world, others, more about themself.

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