Marwani Is a human country to the south of Lumivaara with a large elven population. When half of Loria sunk into the ocean, many elven refugees emigrated to Marwani. The northern half of the country is largely pivoted to agrarian pursuits, herding and farming the lush lowlands. This supports the mercantile cities that line it's coast. Marwani is famous for it's spice production, and it has made the country wealthy in spite of its relatively small cities.
Climate: Sub tropical/equatorial, Dry heat summers
Biome: Grasslands, cliffs on the coast.
Government: Socialism
Technology: Low Tech, Low magic
Primary Culture: Human, with halfling and elvish influence
Cultural Values
Marwani does not have much. Most of It's land is devoted to farming and fishing. Because of how many refugees it's supported, both from Loria and from Dengal, It has become a community of many with very little working together to foster abundance.
While the cities may have a harsher reputation, the average Marwanian citizen gives out spare leftovers to neighbors, donates to the less fortunate, and shares what abundance they have.
Although Marwanians look out for eachother, they care little for protecting the pockets of outsiders. Many an overconfident merchant has left a trade deal with a Marwanian spice dealer feeling like they got the short end of the stick.
In the cities this has more teeth, as the theives guild can turn a shrewed buisness deal into outright robbery.
A Country of Refugees
Many of the population have their roots elsewhere, from the ancient dominon of Dal Dorum, to the skirmishes of Ilyas and Dengal, to the war of Teressio, Gestalt and Loria, Marwani is surrounded on all sides by strife. It has built a safe haven here for those who have lived life in fear.
Because of this, Marwani is hesitant to jump into conflict. even as the war rages outside their doors. they refuse to involve themselves.
Cultural Notes
Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page
Goblinoids, Orc kin, Kobolds
Have enacted raids on Marwani in the past, as such are considered monstrous and are not engaged with if possible
Genasi, Shifters, Vampires, Tieflings
Considered monstrous and mostly left to the shadows. Although some exist in the area, they must stay to their own populations.
Marwani has no structured military and as such the Adventurer's guild is the only military force the country has. It relies heavily on adventurers to keep it's borders safe.
This is a great place for and adventurer's start, there's much that needs to be done, from clearing out a horde of goblins to taking down a displacer beast attack.