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The country of Jaleker may be ruled by the tabaxi, but it is home to many a varying type of beast folk. the mountainous country is not only home to small pockets of civilization, but cities along it's coast. What it lacks in military might it makes up for in amicability, Jaleker is allied with most of it's neighbors, including the isolationist Draconia.

A notable feature of Jaleker is just how many people can find safe harbor here, people who their neighbors might prefer they not. The sea of stars is a location that has been the source of much debate and curiosity. It's hypothesized to go through multiple planes, a hypothesis that is reinforced by interplanar entities popping up. The Sea of stars punches right through reality to the astral sea. And although not regulated, there have been many Astral elves and other planar sailors that have found their way to Jaleker cities.

Avernus is located right below Jaleker in the planar cosmology, the sprawling fiendish city popping up in the lower regions of the country. because of this, there is much overlap in culture.


Climate: Temperate

Biome: Highlands and lowlands, with many plateus and floodplanes

Government: Social Gospel - the more social clout you hold, the louder your voice is.

Technology: High magic, Low Tech. There is conflict between it's sources, stuck between draconic influence and fiendish.

Primary Culture: Tabaxi

Cultural Values


Wealth is irellevant in Jaleker. It's simply not part of their culture. The country is rich in ways other countries would dream of, but this matters not to them. They don't see this abundance, because it holds no value.

It's often said that Cats are fickle. a Jalekite would argue this isn't true. Cats have very limited time, and they are very busy. So, if someone is to take up that time, they better be offering something of value.

To the people of Jaleker, the best way to make a moment count is to spend it telling a story. A story can evoke more emotion, more joy and rage and delight than even the nicest golden bauble.

To be rich in Jaleker is to have lived a life well, and full of adventure. the stories They hold matter more than any riches gained, and many Jalekites become adventurers for the stories rather than any material gain.

A Godless Land

The Tabaxi of Jaleker have no god. They like this very much. The closest thing they have to a diety is the cat lord, a particularly notable cat spirit. Instead, Jalekites worship the concept of fate and serendipity. This means their beliefs do not contrast the religious beliefs of their friends the Draconians, and do not exclude their "southern" Avernian neighbors. They are even liked by the people of Bryha, who see their "fate" as natrual talent under another name.

Social Gospel

Jalekites do not care for riches or feats of strength. They care for stories. And as such, their culture revolves around one's abilty to preform socially. Can you tell a good story? Can you lighten up a room with your laugh? You hold more sway then the wealthiest Brhyan noble.


Cultural Notes

Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page

Feline Folk

Felinids hold the most sway in Jaleker. Most argue it is because nine lives mean nine times more stories to tell, but truth be told, they just get allong quite well with all.

Draconians (Dragonborns)

Draconians are welcome in Jaleker, and it is one of the few places that Draconians will imigrate to if the need arrises. Although they are looked upon fairly, many of draconian heritage will find the Jalekite attitude towards Fiendish individuals quite jarring, and even take offense to letting hell-born individuals rome freely in the cities.


While some are born spontaneously into bloodlines, the majority of Tieflings in Jaleker come by way of Avernus. They are openly accepted into Jaleker society, and many have settled down here. Their biggest source of strife is between the different bloodlines of tieflings and the Draconians that find their presence distasteful

Astral Elves and Palid Elves

Many Astral sailors have settled down in Jaleker, many more have made families here, resulting in palid elves. This is one of the few places outside of Loria where there are notably large populations of Elves, and no one would dare compare the two.


There's an Adventurer's Guild location in Jaleker, of course, and three more non-guild adventurer companies for good measure. Fighting a monster is the easiest way to get a good story, and all Jalekites know this. It's a popular career. And there's much to do in Jaleker.

Many also find their way into the hells this way, some to prove themselves, some just for the challenge.

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