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A vast expanse of grassland and plateaus, Ilyas is considered to be fronteir land by the more bold of adventuring folk.

In reality, it houses the majority of what is left of the Orcish empire, who roam Illyas in bands of hunting parties. Kor caravans also frequent this area on their way between the Kavash and Gestalt mountain ranges.


this unique blend of cultures has allowed for a harsh, but hearty lifestyle by those who live there. Most of Ilyas's revenue comes from the breeding and selling of mounts such as wild horses and dire wolves. Experienced riders, orcs are well equip to train and sell such steeds.


Climate: Temperate/Boreal

Biome: Dry Grassland/ Steppes

Government: Familial clan system, with Laborism beliefs.

Technology: Low tech, Mid-Magic (portable only)

Primary culture: Orcish, however their propensity to trade with the Kor has made quite the influence on their culture.

Cultural Values

Self Sufficiency 

It is not the strong that survive the snow, it is those who work together. In order to survive in a harsh environment like Ilyas, Every able bodied member of the community must be able to provide for themself in some way. Importance is held in people being able to maintain their own survival.

Clan Loyalty

As a collections of roving clans have little or no organized government, protection is largely derived from maintaining within the clan. As such, there is much respect given to clan leaders. Members of outside clans are not immediately looked at with dislike, but the cultural differences between these clans can be vast.

Mobile Magic

Most Ilyani adults will have some experience with magic. However, because most clans don't settle down very long, magic must be mobile, reducing the amount of learned casters like bards and wizards that come from Ilyas. Instead, magic that is portable is highly valued. Maintaining influence from the high Kor population, magic tattoos are very common. Other common forms of magic that are more in line with this mentality are casters that pull from the land and guide the clan (druids and rangers.) As well as magical crafters like artificers.


Cultural Notes

Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page


The dengaleese skirmishes along the southern border have resulted in an intense hatred between the Ilyas population and goblins. Goblins are considered monstrous in ilyas, and there is a firm belief that where there is one monster, there is many.  


This is one of the rare few places that Kor have stopped and formed communities. The nomadic lifestyles of the Orcs mesh well with that of the Kor, and many have folded themselves into the horde. In turn, Kor's neutral-to well received reputation has created a suitable workaround for the intense dislike that many surrounding countries have for the Orcs. 


Although there are humans in Ilyas, this can often be a mixed bag. Due to the Ilyani culture of raiding, many human populations in the surrounding countries have suddenly become part of Ilyas against their will. 


Adventuring is common in Ilyas. Any member of the clan with the ability to pick up a sword will do so if the need arrises. Raiding is common within Ilyani clans, and many of the surrounding countries have felt the brunt of this.

Adventruers may find themselves a part of these raids, or may be asked to save against them. Either way, the ability to use force to solve a problem is a valued comodity in Ilyas.

Notably, there is no adventruer's guild in Ilyas, as the locals have killed all that have tried. Outside adventurers are still welcome, provided they understand their place.

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