The human and Goliath dominated Gestalt takes after its western neighbor heavily. Once A Militaristic nation, Gestalt has matured into a peaceful and erudite place. On the surface, at least. Under the veneer of a benevolent monarchy is the truth- Gestalt is run by the highly influential guilds that reside there. The most notable being Landriche Research University and the Adventurer's Guild.
These guilds use their influence and power to bend politics to their will; manufacturing a need for themselves by preventing long term issues from being completely solved- always requiring adventurers and researchers to understand the phenomena that go on there.
The majority of the country sits within the Strozzek Mountain range. Here, giantfolk clans reign supreme, infrequently trading magic-laced ore to the colleges that occupy southern Gestalt. With the sudden and new increase in population that comes from an entire plane being transposed into the surrounding area, the Goliath clans to the north have began to squabble with the Winter Court fey - hunting parties of either clan have engaged in disputes over territory and resources.
Gestalt is not a stranger to planar influence- with breaches to the plane of water to the west and the plane of fire in the smattering of volcanoes in the Strozzek Range, there are many fire and water genasi that call this place home.
Climate: Temperate
Biome: Temperate rainforest/ mountains
Government: Monarchy (puppet state, controlled by independent organizations like the Adventurer's guild and Landriche University.
Technology: High magic, High magic-powered tech.
Primary culture: Human, however, Gestalt is quite the melting pot.
Cultural Values
Nearly everyone is welcome in Gestalt! (besides orcs and fey, of course) uniqueness of thought is celebrated, as well as culture and body, the cities teem with neighborhoods dedicated to various cultural centers throughout.
Gestalt funds the production of commercial interplanar portals, they've invested heavily in the tritons' management of the breach to the west, as well as setting up multiple portals to the planes of fire to the north. This is what has fostered the good relationship between the government and the giants.
Magical Superiority
Like any country with far too much funding in any one department, the average Gestalt citizen puts far too much faith in the magic around them. Magic is used in excess, sometimes to disastrous consequences (although, they rarely make it to the papers.)
War-torn History, Scholar-Lead Future
There is much suspicion on Gestalt from the surrounding nations, given its military history. As such, much of Gestalt's culture revolves around taking steps to manifest itself as a picture of academia. It is one of the few countries with a public education system, for instance.
Cultural Notes
Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page
Gestalt was not a military power for nothing. The orcish raiding parties have scarred much of Gestalt's southern border, and Ilyas's tradition of viking has not stalled after the end of the war. While orcs and half-orcs are relatively common in the roving tribes and the border villages, they are not welcome in the city, and are considered monstrous.
Extra-Planar races, Tieflings, and Genasi
Gestalt has the highest population ratio of these species in the material plane. Whether traveling through to the material plane, or born here by some quirk of magic, these species have made Gestalt's cities a home.
The latest invention of Landriche university and its fellows, plasmoids have become important to daily life. Like all strange and unusual things, they are welcomed. This is one of the few, if only places you will find a plasmoid. What much of the public is not aware of is the complex series of sanctions and trade agreements between Landriche and the Adventurer's Guild regarding just how many plasmoids can be made, and how many can go on any given quest.
Gestalt has a long and proud history of adventurers. With so many extraplanar blips on the map, Landriche University sends out research parties on a near weekly-basis; and researchers need to be protected, of course.
In fact, Griffinsburg is home to the Adventurers' Guild HQ. Standing proudly next to Landriche University, the guild holds just as much power in Gestalt as the college itself. This of course, has resulted in a relationship that benefits both Landriche and the Adventurers' Guild greatly. There is never a complete eradication of extraplanar threats, and never a shortage of research fodder.