Dengal is a country that struggles with its own identity. A once exclusively halfling country, a land that was slowly returning from ruin as the site of many battles in the Great War. The struggle between the orcish and goblinoid hordes pushed the Goblins back into Dengal's territory some years ago, forcing them to take refuge in the hills and dales of Dengal.
Sensing land for the taking, the goblin army quickly colonized and naturalized the whole country. All halfling society has either gone underground, or has been reduced to small pockets in the relatively untamed wilderness.
The harsh and immediate takeover has caused many to characterize goblins as inhumane imperialists. However for those who support the new dengaleese government, opportunity and freedom are available. In a country where the only traits of value are patriotism and cunning, many who had found themselves on the edges of their respective society have made a home here.
Climate: Dry Sub-Tropical
Biome: Badlands, some Prairie
Government: Direct Democracy
Technology: Mid tech, not much magic
Primary Culture: Goblinoid, and while there is a melting pot of cultures in Dengal, there is an expectation that they assimilate into goblinoid culture somewhat.
Cultural Values
With such a quickly growing population, it is the right of the Dengaleese to expand, to give every citizen their plot of land.
The strength of Dengal is told through the heroes that fought for the land they earned. If you have gained power, it is on your own back
Historically, goblins have struggled to find a place to call home. protecting the safety and culture of the Dengal people should be the priority and responsibility of all citizens

Cultural Notes
Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page
Halflings used to be the dominant species and culture in Dengal. There was no animosity from the goblins to the halflings, rather a sense of superiority. However, as tensions rise between conquered and conquer, a room filled with goblins and halflings can turn ugly in an instant.
Are the dominant culture of Dengal, and are universally accepted except in halfling communities, where there is still an intense fear and animosity.
As they lost a war to the orcs, Dengaleese goblins don't like them much. but as with any countries that border one another, there has been plenty of mixing. Time is healing this wound, as these countries understand they are more alike then they are different.
There is no shortage of work for an adventurer in Dengal. From small towns looking for help to keep the peace, to rogue bands of halflings looking to take back territory, or goblins looking to encroach further north into Ilyas's borders, a set of capable hands is always welcome (especially if those hands happen to be holding a blade.)
The Dengaleese chapter of the adventurer's guild is located in Cridvine. Although it mostly caters to the goblinoid majority, the more discerning adventurer can always find a few posts made by halflings.
Organized crime is also well situated in Dengal, and the enterprising thief can sell any of their goods at the markets of the Kavanari outposts, where the customers would be disappointed buying anything less than stolen goods.