Ankor ven
The ancestral homeland of beastfolk. Currently under the rule of the Leonin clan, they work closely with the Minotaurs in the mountains. Although this country is more militant and isolationist than most, they have a thriving internal culture.
The majority of the country itself is nomadic, following the immigrational patterns of their bestial ancestors. only the capital city and some settlements are permanent, and even then, the chieftain's parliament travels between the cities throughout the year. This allows this relatively large country to have a strong, involved central government.
Climate: Dry/Tropical Grassland
Biome: Mountains and Savanna
Government: Council (Leonin Lead)
Technology: Low tech, Mostly Magic
Primary Culture: Nomadic Tent Cities
Cultural Values
The Herd Is Stronger Together
Ankor Venitians are collectivist by nature, and have very robust social systems for taking care of their weak and young.
Might Makes Right
The leaders of this culture are the strongest. Their strength is reason enough to rule.
The Land Provides
Follow the gifts of the earth, and only the gifts of the earth. There is no need to reach further than what she gives.

Cultural Notes
Please note: these are only the most notable opinions held within the culture. If a species isn't mentioned here, assume they take the view in the species' description page
Are universally accepted, including feared species, like gnolls. If your species is perceived to be weaker (ex: Harengon) you may be coddled by those who perceive themself to be stronger.
Are considered monstrous in Ankor Ven. Although they might not be attacked on sight, they are greeted with suspicion and derision, regardless of their origins.
Are thought to be corruptions of nature and bad omens. Generally are not allowed in cities.
Ankor Ven is ruled by the strongest, and as such it is perceived that adventurers are not required. However, one does still exist. Why? Glory. One out of ten able-bodied Ankorans would proudly list gladiatorial combat as their hobby. Respectability is based on your physical prowess, and as such many come to Ankor Ven for the glory to be won, either in tournaments, or hunting, or exploring.
The less physically adept Ankoran might even hire out a team to assist them, or rather fight whatever the monster is and take the credit for themself.